Welcome to Sunningwell Pre-School
Welcome to Sunningwell Pre-School


All policies are available on request from the centre manager

09.01 Waiting list and admissions July 2[...]
Microsoft Word document [45.2 KB]
Promoting Positive Behaviour
09.12 Promoting positive behaviour July [...]
Microsoft Word document [53.3 KB]
Supporting Children with SEN
09.13 Identification, assessment and sup[...]
Microsoft Word document [53.8 KB]
Making a Complaint
10.02 Complaints procedure for parents a[...]
Microsoft Word document [28.6 KB]
Late collection policy
Late collection policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [28.5 KB]
Uncollected child
06.04 Uncollected child July 21.docx
Microsoft Word document [52.2 KB]
Missing Child
06.05 Missing child July 21.docx
Microsoft Word document [52.5 KB]
06 Safeguarding children, young people a[...]
Microsoft Word document [47.8 KB]
04.05a Managing a suspected case of coro[...]
Microsoft Word document [38.7 KB]
Poorly children policy
04.05 Poorly children Feb 22 (1).docx
Microsoft Word document [36.9 KB]
Working in Partnership
10.01 Working in partnership with parent[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.0 KB]
Snacks and Meal times
09.08 Prime times Snack-times and mealti[...]
Microsoft Word document [43.8 KB]
Oral Health policy
04.06 Oral health July 21.docx
Microsoft Word document [33.3 KB]
Online Safety
06.09 E-safety July 21 (1).docx
Microsoft Word document [56.8 KB]
Transition to school
09.14 Prime times – Transition to scho[...]
Microsoft Word document [42.9 KB]
Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity policy
05.01 Promoting inclusion, equality and [...]
Microsoft Word document [76.3 KB]
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