Our teaching ethos is learning through play and we are passionate at ensuring teaching is delivered at the correct pace and level for each
individual child. We encourage children to work together and develop respect for each other.
Our teaching approach is inspired by Bruners (1961) scaffolding Theory and Froebels (1852) Theory that play drives
Each day we set out a range of activities for our children which, with the guidance of our staff, they are encouraged to explore at their own pace and interest. Our staff get to know your
child well and are experienced at following their lead and quickly extending the activity to follow the direction your child wants to go in while helping them reach their full potential.
As a team we have put a lot of thought and consideration into what we consider teachable moments and quality interactions. We set goals and targets which we as Childcare professionals felt would
be important for chilren to learn by the time they leave us to go to primary school.
See our Curriculum below:
Sunningwell Preschool Curriculum 2022
Sensory play
- Messy play experiences
- Glitter, playdoh, slime
- Lentils, rice, paint, mud, sand, water, puddle jumping.
Forest school
- Taking care of our environment
- Preservation and care and concern for wildlife
- Life skills- Plant ID, Wild life ID, cooking on fire, tools use.
Real life experiences
- Posting letters, shopping deliveries, acts of kindness, trips to the park.
- Going to shops, on trips etc.
- Exploring professions, people who help us.
Local Community exploring
- Geography of our community.
- Layouts and way finding.
- Local area knowledge
Daily tasks
- Preparing food and drinks
- Cleaning and taking care of our preschool, Using a dishwasher, washing
up,hanging up washing
- laying tables, clearing plates, using cutlery.
Noticing details in the environment.
- All weather experiences
- Planting, growing harvesting
- Change of seasons, and the impact.
Respect and values
- Respect for others beliefs, cultures, religions and lives.
- Understanding of communities and differences.
- Showing kindness and understanding
Cause and effects
- Weather change and effects on body.
- Need for health and hygiene
- Actions of self and the effect on others.
Routines and boundaries
- Following a daily routine
- Knowing boundaries and rules to keep safe
- Expectations in a setting
- Joy in books, stories and songs.
- Interest in drawing, making marks and exploring colour.
- Beginning to recognise their name.
Communication and language
- Expressing wants and needs
- Asking for help
- Communicating with others effectively.
Personal, social Emotional
- Playing together with others
- Compromising
- Regulating and understanding emotions
- Taking turns.
Personal care and independence
- Toileting and washing hands.
- Independence at lunch.
- Dressing, undressing, coats and shoes.
- Having own ideas
- Trying new things
- Being imaginative
- Exploring materials, colours, light, shadows, water, and weight.
Problem solving
- Trial and error
- Reflecting
- Talking about methods, strategies, and working together.
- Being eager to learn
- Having awe and wonder.
- Follow desires to explore and try things.
- Gross motor skill, like climbing, jumping, running.
- Fine motor skills like pincer grips, pinching, scissors, poking, pencil hold.
- Co-ordination: hand-eye, eye-foot etc.
Speech, listening, and comprehension.
- Asking questions and making statements
- Listening for short periods of time, following instructions.
- Understanding questions and responding
Our curriculum is based upon the Birth to 5 matters Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage and follows statutory guidelines set out by Ofsted. Children are observed against this
guidance and evidence is recorded through observations.
We use Tapestry learning journal,
to record and share with you your childs development.
The areas of learning and development are listed below. (We are now following the Birth to 5 matters guidance)
- Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
- Making relationships
- Sense of self
- Understanding Emotions
- Communciation and Language
- Listening and attention
- Understanding
- Speaking
- Physical Development
- Moving and Handling
- Health and self care
- Understanding the world
- People and communities
- The world
- Technology
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Creating with materials
- Being imaginitive and expressive
- Being imaginative
For further infomation please see this helpful guide produced by the Deparment for Eductation Parents guide EYFS.PDF